The Overalls Redone for Pippin from KCTC Freebies.
Overalls with new morphs, to fit new long-sleeved TShirt.
Also has the original second-skin shirts.
(Use Pippin's "shirt" body morph for the second skins)
Lots of textures
Pippin Overalls Download
More eye colours for Pippin.
More Pippin Eyes Download
Leotard, tutu, ballet slippers and tiara for Pippin.
Five sets of textures.
Pippin Dances Download
Romper and cap for Pippin. Mat poses for these, the soft shoes from Pippin Basket
and the tights from Elleque's Mary Janes.
There is a pose to fit the romper over the tights, but it only works in Poser.
In DAZ you will need to adjust manually (instructions in the readme).
Romper and Cap Download
Flap hat and mittens for Pippin from KCTC Freebies.
Lots of textures and new ones to match for the scarf from Pippin's Coat
(You will find those in the scarf folder)
The puffy jacket is here, too in eight colours.
Flap Hat and Mittens Download
Puffy Jacket Download
Coat for Pippin from KCTC Freebies.
Coat, boots, bigger boots, umbrella, beanie, SouWester, scarf and folded umbrella.
Six sets of textures, You will need both files for this to work.
Pippin Coat part one Download
Pippin Coat part two Download
Frillies for Pippin from KCTC Freebies.
Top, pants, sunhat and frillies for Pippin's diaper.
Eight sets of textures
Pippin Frillies Download

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